Cocktails, tapas and live music

Joe Psalmist en Cine & Music

Joe Psalmist en Cine & Music

Date / Time

Date: Saturday, 25/02/17
Time: 20:00


It is a fusion of music and images in the history of cinema projected while music plays. The show is based on silent movies and music will accompany the screening of the early twentieth century and the years trenta, accentuating the ragtime and the earliest jazz. The musical selection will be pianist interpetrada by a specialist in this type of music and accompanying iran different projections chronological tour the early days of cinema, from the brothers Lumiere, through the Trip to the Moon by Georges Méliès, The Great Train Robbery de Edwin S. Porter, Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, Charles Chaplin The Kid and The City Lights, Nosferatu de Murnau, Nanook the Eskimo (the first documentary in history) Robert J. Flaherty, Safety Last de Harold Lloyd, The Camera Man of Buster Keaton and The Machinist Central, The Music Box de Stan Laurel i Oliver Hardy, The engaged finalizar para con bridge MacDonald Agnes Varda.

An audiovisual experience that transports us to a time full of black and white mágina.


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